About Us

The Eben-Ezer Foundation is a non-profit entity led by a group of people passionate about Christ and motivated by God´s love and service to others, who seek to improve the socio-economic conditions of the people in Barranquilla (Colombia) located at “El Rubí” neighborhood with the implementation of the Benjamin project, which main goal is to develop comprehensive activities that meet the basic needs such as food, education, care, love, psychological and spiritual assistance for children and youths (up to eighteen years old) ,including pregnant women.

Help to overcome the  causes of poverty and its social impact in the community of the Rubi neighborhood, offering food and educational care to its children and youths (until 18 years old), therefore contributing to build a productive and fraternal society.

By 2025, we hope to consolidate as the first Foundation in the “El Rubí” neighborhood, who will achieve the prevention and/or rehabilitation of malnourished children and youths that have drugs problems, prostitution or any other denigrating practice of their mental, physical or spiritual health.

  • Human dignity
  • Common good
  • Solidarity
  • Equity
  • Serving others based on God´s love

Our history

Origen de la fundación

Su historia parte del 14 de abril del 2019, cuando se traslada al barrio “ El Rubí”,  la Iglesia Cristiana Casa de oración y las familias de la comunidad asisten a los servicios. Al brindarle la merienda en la escuela dominical a los niños, observamos su avidez al comer , además de su bajo peso y estatura de acuerdo a la edad y la poca habilidad para concentrarse. Adicionalmente sus padres refieren un medio de vida difícil por las pocas oportunidades de acceso a un trabajo digno que facilitara darles suficientes alimentos a su familia.

Al  conocerse la situación de la comunidad del barrio “El Rubí”, La fundación  Eben-Ézer en conjunto con la iglesia Casa de oración  coloca en manos de Dios el  trabajar por el mejoramiento de las condiciones de vida de los más necesitados en la comunidad y brindar herramientas que les permitan trabajar en su propio desarrollo.

La fundación Eben-Ézer actúa con visión estratégica que responde a criterios de largo plazo y objetivos duraderos, que parten del análisis de la realidad de la comunidad y de los retos que cada época impone.

Our strategy

To fulfill our mission and vision, the Eben-Ézer Foundation acts through a direct social program by accompanying the community of Barrio el Rubí, which seeks to achieve a sustainable improvement of its life quality, not only in the material aspect, but also in the integral realization of the community in a love environment and God´s presence through the following specific objectives:

Establish a children's canteen in order to minimize the rate of malnutrition among children and teenagers in the community of the "El Rubí" neighborhood.

Promote education through a dynamic learning, developing pedagogical, cultural, recreational and spiritual activities such as: music, arts, sports, theater, English classes, crafts, etc.

Ensure a healthy mental, physical and spiritual life for children and youth in the "El Rubi" neighborhood, developing Integral Health Days with qualified staff for individual and optimal care.

Implement a school for parents (of children benefiting from the program) so that they receive periodic talks and training aimed at strengthening nutritional, ethical, moral, spiritual and financial education and that these tools provide opportunities for family sustenance.



Cra 36A #83B-40

Who do we serve?

We serve the vulnerable population living in the Rubi neighborhood at Barranquilla, Colombia, providing basic monthly food, health care, education and family development to those who often face hunger and a high probability of falling into the world of drugs, teenage pregnancy and prostitution.

Our target population includes:

Pregnant mothers under 19 years old:

To promote the practice of breastfeeding as a strategy  against child malnutrition

Children under vulnerable economic and social conditions from gestation to 18 years old in order to ensure a healthy life.

The children´s parents, that in most cases, are single mothers.


Cra 36A #83B-40
Barranquilla, Colombia

(+57 ) 300 4828846

(+57 ) 301 6426625


12 Then Samuel took a stone and set it up between Mizpah and Shen. He named it Ebenezer,saying, “Thus far the Lord has helped us.”

1 Samuel 7:12  

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